
NCCU to nurture interdisciplinary talents with Bachelor Program of Sport Industry and Culture

Article by Lin Ting

National Chengchi University’s (NCCU) Bachelor Program of Sport Industry and Culture (BPSIC) will recruit new students in 2024, to cultivate interdisciplinary talents who have a focus on sports.

The Physical Education Office will organize the curriculum, while former Director of the Physical Education Office, Lu Chieh-ju ( 呂潔如 ) will serve as program director, and the coach of NCCU Griffins basketball team, Sun Ping-hung ( 孫秉宏 ) , will be the program’s assistant professor.

The program adopts a small-class teaching approach, and the graduation requirement for double majors is 45 credits. In addition to faculty members, professors from the College of Communication, College of Law, and College of Social Sciences will also participate in the program and teaching.

For one of the courses, Sports Game Management, students will learn how to manage two major sports events at NCCU – the Campus Marathon and Sports Day. For the NCCU Griffins project, Professor Lu will guide the students as they examine the process of creating a new team from scratch.

Lu expects the students to tackle the course from the perspective of education, management, and student-athletics. There will also be discussion about the “Griffins phenomenon,” which Lu said would explore overlooked key elements.  

Assistant Professor Sun pointed out that people will see different things in sports if they develop a unique perspective and taste. He added students on the program should have undergraduate expertise and sports literacy, which can help improve the domestic sports environment and make Taiwan's sports industry more competitive.