
NCCU to host SPORTX Cross-Border Relay Race on 96th anniversary

Article by Lin Ting

National Chengchi University (NCCU) is set to celebrate its 96th anniversary with a special Sports Day on May 19 and 20. Organized by the Physical Education Office, “SPORTX Cross-Border Relay Race” has a multiplication symbol in the title to symbolize the idea of “crossing boundaries” and to sum up the spirit of the event.

The slogan for SPORTX is the same as for the university’s marathon: “We Run NCCU.” It will be the first largescale Sports Day since the COVID epidemic began.

For the first time, SPORTX includes not only students and graduates but also faculty members and local residents. Furthermore, in order to develop the idea of a college town, NCCU intends to team up for the event with the Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University, Taipei Dacheng High School, Taipei Municipal BeiZheng Junior High School, the Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of National Chengchi University, and Taipei Municipal Wanxing Elementary School.

After the Sports Day opening ceremony, a 50-meter relay race with 16 people is being arranged. NCCU President Li Tsai-yen ( 李蔡彥 ) will lead his team as the first-leg runner. To prepare for the race, university management and professors will gather on the playground to practice passing the baton under the guidance of physical education teacher, Hong Yu-zhao ( 洪鈺釗 ) .

Sports Day will also feature a bazaar, themed “Flourishing Youth and Retro Party.” It aims to recreate the campus atmosphere of the past with pinball games and traditional candy stores.

Additionally, the school will celebrate the NCCU Griffins basketball team’s three-peat championships in the University Basketball Association. They will host a signing event on May 19 and the whole team is expected to gather for the fans, with the possible exception of some of the foreign players.